The topic I am talking about is comparing yourself to other people on Instagram, PLUS sharing 4 fixes when you find yourself doing this! I would also love to start a discussion in the comments section below so make sure you leave comment and I can’t wait to start chatting!

Instagram is an amazing medium to pull constant inspiration, get to know blogger babes in your niche, and really connect with your readers who love your material.
We all do it. It’s impossible at times to not compare yourself to others. We say to ourselves, “Her pictures are so much better”, “She has the best clothes,” “Why don’t I have as many followers as her,” and “All my content is horrible compared to these women, why am I even doing this?”.
Do you ever find yourself saying this things to yourself occasionally? I know that I do at times and get myself into a rut of comparing myself to others. At one point it got so bad that playing the comparison game actually affected my mood for the day and I felt horrible about myself!
The reason why playing the comparison game is so “dangerous” because…

1.) Comparison is the thief of joy (have you ever heard that quote?). Once you start to compare yourself chances are you’re going to start being negative and overly critical about yourself when in reality you’re a total #GirlBoss!
2.) You start focusing your energy in a negative way instead of using your energy to build yourself up.
3.) Playing the comparison game takes time away from when you could actually be doing something creative and amazing for your blog!
4.) Nothing positive comes out of comparing yourself to others. Period.
So how do you fix comparing yourself to others? I wish I could sit here and tell you that if you tell yourself that you won’t ever do it again, that’s all there is to it! Unfortunately, there will be times when you catch yourself comparing yourself to others on Instagram, but today I’m sharing 4 ways to get yourself out of that rut and start focusing on the positive instead of what other women are doing!

The first tip that I have for you ladies is to simply take a break from Instagram (gasp! I know!). The break doesn’t have to be a week long. The break could be as simple as not going on this social media platform for a few hours and recharging.
I have done this countless times when I catch myself starting to compare myself to others. I simply put down my phone and take a break for a few hours and then get back on.
BONUS TIP: To pull inspiration on a different platform such as Pinterest instead of Instagram to get your creative juices going. You will still see tons of pictures but the opportunity to compare yourself to others is much lower!
The thing about comparison is that you are pulled into seeing what you don’t have instead of what you do. For example, “I don’t have that Chloe bag like so many other bloggers do” or “I don’t have that many followers so my content isn’t as important.” (Both of these statements are totally false by the way, but this is what happens when you compare!).


Sometimes when you start comparing yourself you find areas where you want grow your own blog or social media accounts. Instead of beating yourself up about that fact that you’re not doing something (or someone is doing something and you’re not), come up with a plan to implement changes that you want improve upon!
For example, if there is a certain style of photography you are drawn to try playing around with your own blog/social media photos to create the aesthetic you love! Having a plan for how to edit your photos in a way you love will take the focus off of playing the comparison game and focus your attention on your own blog (and focus your energy on being creative!).
Once you have that plan you’ll see how quickly the comparison game starts to fade away and all of a sudden you have your creative juices flowing again.
Thank you SO much for stopping by Blush & Camo!
xx Julianna
Shoes- M. Gemi, sold out, similar linked here (and on sale!)
Purse- Kate Spade
Hat- Forever 21, sold out, similar here
Dress- Rebecca Taylor and it’s on MAJOR sale! Get it here before it sells out!
I love this post!! It’s so easy to compare yourself we we all have to find our place 🙂 So look forward to getting to officially meet you at Seattle Style Lab next weekend!
Thank you SO much Sarah! I totally agree and can’t wait to see you next week!
xx Julianna
Great tips as always love! Hugs, Kait
Thank you so much Kait! Happy Friday!
xx Julianna
Love this post! Just started my own blog and Instagram with my best friend and it’s so easy to get discouraged early in the game! But I enjoyed your tips!
Thank you so much, Gorgeous for such a kind comment! Sending you tons of love today!
xx Julianna
This is a fantastic post Julianna! I think it’s so important to be open and honest because we all go through this! I love your tips on how to pull yourself out of the comparison game!
xo Bryn
Thank you SO much Bryn! I totally agree that it is a downside to Instagram, but there are also so many positives that come from this platform! Thank you for commenting and I hope you’re having a fabulous week!
xx Julianna
Ah, I needed this post! I have been blogging for almost a year and it is so easy to get in a rut of comparison! I have met goals, but when I start scrolling Instagram my goals seem belittled. This was such a great reminder for me! We are all just people, who live lives, and have our own struggles. Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂
Comparing is so easy to do and I feel like sometimes we do it without even realizing! Thank you so much for such a sweet note and I’m sending tons of love your way!
xx Julianna
Also, you look beautiful! Love this outfit!
Thank you beautiful!
xx Julianna
Hi Julianna! I’ll start off by saying that I am a newbie follower of yours on Insta, and your beautiful photo from this morning got my attention to read your caption, which in itself was captivating enough to draw me here. Very interesting topic you have ventured here, and I’d be lying if I told you that I haven’t gotten caught up in this game myself. How can one not, with so much beautiful content and inspo out there? I’m glad you brought this up, and I am certain you are reaching many fellow bloggers with this, whether they will admit it or not. Wonderful tips you have offered up! Personally what works for me (which of course is in your post) is stepping back for a few minutes and reminding myself exactly what it is that I have achieved thus far, and being happy with my own progress. When I’m really down in the dumps my boyfriend will remind me where I am today in comparison to where I was a year ago, and that really puts things in perspective. We all have different lives/situations and move at different paces, and so being content with your own journey and progress is key. Thank you for sharing! Wishing you a beautiful day!
Agnes House of Illusions
Thank you SO much for such a sweet comment Agnes, and it truly means the world! I totally agree with you that when you step back and see how far you’ve grown in the past year you start to look at the positives instead of the negative. My husband is also a phenomenal resource for when I can’t seem to snap out of it!
I also love your comment about everyone being in different lives/situations because this is also beyond true! Blogging is a journey, not a race! Sending you tons of love gorgeous!
xx Julianna