Let’s get started!
A few months ago I learned about a technique some bloggers use to gain followers and I’m titling this social media technique the “Follow/Unfollow” (not the most original name, but it’s gets the point across!).
In this technique bloggers will follow dozens and dozens of new Instagram handles in the hopes that these women will, in turn, follow them back. Then, a few days later these bloggers will go back through the people they followed and unfollow those handles. Now, they have a ton of new followers, but they aren’t following those women anymore.
This “process” can happen many times over the course of a few days. This is a terrible technique for a few reasons.
If you are looking to truly build your fashion blog community through social media platforms this is not the best way to build that amazing community you are looking for. When you follow someone it should be because you love their content, are supporting their brand or blog, or their handle serves as a source for inspiration to you. It should never be because you are using them to increase your follower count.
This technique can also hurt feelings and prevent followers from building trust with you. My friend was followed/unfollowed by someone five times in the same week and she couldn’t figure out why. I told her about this technique and she lost trust in that blogger. As a result, she never visits that bloggers website or will ever follow her on social media.
Gaining followers and wanting to build your social media presence can be SUPER frustrating at times (I totally feel you!), but just know that building your social media is a process and takes time:). And that’s totally OK!

Another common mistake bloggers make is not responding to the comments other people leave on your pictures. I’m not saying you have to respond to every single comment ever posted to your social media, but making the effort to say thank you or talk to the people who are writing sweet comments goes a long way!
Not only are you building trust with your followers, but you are also building relationships with the women who consistently leave comments on your pictures! There are some women who leave comments on almost all of my pictures and through responding to comments (and also taking the time to leave a comment on their picture) I consider these women my friends and can’t imagine not “talking” to them at least once a day.
Responding to comments starts small- and then you will really start to notice the relationships form and your community of #GirlBosses who love your content grow!

1.) Affiliate links are a great way to share the items you are wearing with your readers (hey, sharing is caring!) and let them in all the great places you shop! This, in turn, builds report with your amazing community
2.) Is a “trust medal” with followers because this helps to show people that you are apart of a fashion group or
3.) You get to make some dough from it, which is always a good thing because fashion bloggers are always looking for new clothes!

Before you post a picture ensure you are tagging as many companies and other Instagram handles (that make sense!) in your picture. Why do you want to do this?! This is because when you tag other companies or handles you are putting your picture on their Instagram and putting your handle in as many places as possible for more visibility!
Some of my favorite handles to tag in photos include:
These handles are great because they will sometimes repost your images! #heckyes!
Are you making any of these mistakes?! I would love to talk with you in the comments below! Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to get early access to How To Grow Your Instagram E-Course launch and follow me along on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook for daily style inspo!
Did you sign up to receive my free checklist that gives you the BEST hastags to use as a fashion blogger?! All you have to do is CLICK HERE! to sign up! Enjoy:).
xx Julianna
Kate Spade New York ‘one In A Million’ Initial Pendant Necklace Kate Spade New York Cedar Street Mini Nora Chloé Lauren Scallop Flats-Blue Westward Leaning Voyager
I really need to work on my social media skills. This is great advice (and a totally adorable dress)!
♡ Natalie | nataliemarie.co
Thank you so much Natalie! I hope you’re having a week as fabulous as you are!
xx Julianna
one of the best posts for promoting instagram post. thanks for tips.
That’s the ultimate compliment! Thank you so much!
xx Julianna
Such helpful tips about what not to do, and I agree with all them! Also so grateful you included those accounts to tag… doing that on my next insta!
Wow, this was such an insightful post and I learned quite a few tips and tricks! Thanks so much for sharing, gorgeous, and I hope you’e having the best week so far!
Thank you so much gorgeous! You are too sweet and I hope you’re having the best day!!
xx Julianna
This makes so much sense! And I have seen this follow unfollow thing happen before -I’ve noticed some doing it to me- it’s so frustrating!
I am loving your tagging recommendations! Thanks for the info!!
The yellow spectacles
Thank you so much for the kind words babe! I never liked it when girls did that to me and I never thought it was very nice. Sending you tons of love babe!
xx Julianna