Lifestyle /

June 2018: One Pro and One Con About Blogging

/July 8, 2018

Blogging Tips, Fashion blogger, blush and camo, blush and camo style, weekend style, red lips

Blogging Tips, Fashion blogger, blush and camo, blush and camo style, weekend style, red lips

Welcome back to Blush & Camo! I’m starting a new series where each month I share one pro and one con of blogging from the past month to keep it 100% real with everyone (I know, I’m publishing this a little late for June!). Blogging is a journey so the pros and cons will change from month to month and it gives an inside view of what really happens in the world of fashion bloggers!

If you like this series let me know in the comments below! Let’s start with the con first and then end on a positive note!

Blogging Tips, Fashion blogger, blush and camo, blush and camo style, weekend style, red lips

Blogging Tips, Fashion blogger, blush and camo, blush and camo style, weekend style, red lips


After taking 10 months off from all social media and blogging I finally relaunched both (to read about why I took this time off click here.)! While this was super exiting, and I am so happy to be back in the blogging world, there was a con. Irrationally, I thought when I came back to the blogging world everything would pick right back where it left off and reality kicked in, and that simply isn’t what happened. I was gone for 10 months, removed from the blogging community, and I lost almost all the momentum that took two years to gain. After day two of being back on social media I started losing hundreds of followers by the day. Some of this was probably due to not seeing me for awhile on their feeds, then I pop up, and they simply aren’t interested in my content; some if it was natural attrition that didn’t happen over the course of 10 months and was catching up to me; and the other part of it was people simply didn’t want to follow me anymore.

At first watching the numbers go down when I was used to them going in the other direction was devastating. What was I doing wrong? Did my content suck? Why was this happening?! Then, it was humbling. I realized that I didn’t start blogging to watch my numbers on social media go up, but rather to post content that I loved and share style, lifestyle, and beauty tips that I think you ladies will enjoy:). I also realized that if I was happy with the content that I was posting and confident in the creative direction of my social media/blog then that’s all I could control. I can’t control what my numbers are.

After I changed my view point this con turned into more of a pro this month, but initially was very hard for me to cope with.

Ok, now to the positive part of blogging this month!

Blogging Tips, Fashion blogger, blush and camo, blush and camo style, weekend style, red lips

Blogging Tips, Fashion blogger, blush and camo, blush and camo style, weekend style, red lips


When I was thinking about the one pro I wanted to highlight from this past month it was a no-brainer. the biggest pro this month (and every month I blog!) is being apart of the blogging community. I LOVE being surrounded by, and interacting with, other creatives. Whether that be hanging out with Julia, my photographer, or talking with blogger babes every day on social media, it is by far the greatest part about blogging.

There were weeks during my 10 month break when my heart hurt because I wasn’t talking with the girlfriends I had made over the past two years of blogging and I missed being apart of such a supportive community of girl bosses. This past month I also found some fashion bloggers in Nashville and am planning on picking a weekend to meet up (my life is super crazy right now, but this is one of the top things I want to do in July!).

These were the pros and cons of blogging this past month and I hope you enjoy this new series!

Thank you so much for stopping by B&C!

xx Julianna



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