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Are You Making Money From Fashion Blogging?! Then Read This Post!

/July 1, 2016
blush and camo, fashion blog, style blog, blog finances, how to make money blogging
Hello, Gorgeous! Today I want to share something a little more personal today on Blush & Camo- blogging income. Over the course of the year I have started to generate some income from blogging which is both AMAZING and totally frightening at the same time.

I never took any accounting classes in college and when I started making money I had NO idea how to manage the inflow of cash and track my finances properly. I was totally lost. I always want to make sure everything I am doing with Blush & Camo is both legal, moral, and ethical so not knowing how to track my own finances was terrifying to me!

I knew nothing about tax deductions, what type of business I needed to register for, what forms I needed to track my finances, ect. All of this information and paperwork can really start to overwhelm you and I have to perfectly honest, I was so lost with all the laws and how they applied to blogging.
So, HOW did I figure out all of my finances and ensure I was complying with my small business legally?! I am so happy you asked, Beautiful!
blush and camo, fashion blog, style blog, blog finances, how to make money blogging
blush and camo, fashion blog, style blog, blog finances, how to make money blogging


I discovered Erin Armstrong’s E-Course called A Course About Money for Fashion and Beauty Bloggersand this course laid out ALL of the financial information I needed to start learning, managing, and legally tracking my blogging income correctly.

The super benefit to this course is that it is written specifically for fashion and beauty bloggers which is amazing because this course is custom tailored to our small business! The examples throughout the course are super relevant because Erin understands the ins and outs of blogging finances.
blush and camo, fashion blog, style blog, blog finances, how to make money blogging
blush and camo, fashion blog, style blog, blog finances, how to make money blogging

Erin’s 4 module course starts from the very beginning of starting a small business and explains the differences between registering for a small business in a language you’ll actually understand (#crucial) and which one you most likely want to sign up for.

Erin also goes step by step to explain all the crucial financial paperwork you will need to file taxes when tax season comes around and HOW to fill out this paperwork.

There is SO much information in this e-course that I am starting to take it over again to ensure I pick up on information that maybe I didn’t pick up on the first time around.

I am sharing this information with you ladies today because I know there are a TON of #BlushBosses out there with small businesses or are making money from blogging but they aren’t sure how to manage all this new income.

I cannot recommend this course enough and Erin is offering a special promotion for today’s blog post only! You can purchase Erin’s course 50% off for $149 (normally $299) by clicking on A Course About Money for Fashion and Beauty Bloggers and signing up

blush and camo, fashion blog, style blog, blog finances, how to make money blogging

What did you ladies think of today’s post?! Do you struggle with finding out the right information for your blogging finances?! Let’s start this discussion in the comments below! I love talking with Blush Babes:)!

Follow me along on InstagramPinterest, and Facebook for daily style inspo!

Thank you SO much for stopping by Blush & Camo!

xx Julianna

Dress- SheIn (it’s UNDER $30!)

Hat- Forever21 (UNDER $15!)

Flats- Gap; sold out but similar here and under $15!

Purse- Kate Spade 

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  1. First off, congratulations on getting married! I couldn’t say all I wanted to on Instagram because it would be too long, but time has flown by! I remember you sharing your engagement and photos, now you’re married! I hope you’re having the best time enjoying your honeymoon and I look forward to all you share when you return! As for this post, I adore your dress! The colors are so pretty and look great paired with the purse! Thanks for sharing the tips as well, you’re always so helpful! Sending you lots of love, Happy Friday!



    • Thank you SO much beautiful! You are truly too kind and your comment means the absolute world. Wishing you the best week ever and I hope you’re having a fabulous day!

      xx Julianna

  2. Gorgeous photos….that dress is soooo pretty!! Thanks for the course recommendation. Navigating the blog world is tough when you are starting out for sure!!

    • Thank you SO much Sarah! You’re the best babe, and you’re doing amazing with your blog. I love it! Happy FriYAY!

      xx Julianna

  3. Hey Julianne! I’m a huge fan on IG and have read your blog for a long time but not sure if I have ever commented! I would LOVE to take this course. Right now I’m in grad school though and finances are super hard. I’m thinking maybe in September after summer…summer is so expensive with vacations, graduations, weddings, etc!!! I make a small income and would like to get better with handling my finances. I try to do it all on my own and have NO IDEA if what I’m doing is working for me or not!! Hope you’re having a blast on your honeymoon!!

    • YAYY!! Thank you so much for the kind comment babe and you won’t regret taking Erin’s class:). It’s super informative! I hope you’re having the best week so far:).

      xx Julianna

  4. Thanks for sharing! Once you start earning money I can see how this is beneficial-I am still hoping to find a few various avenues to start earning an income too-if you have any tips or blog ideas up your sleeve!
    Happy Fourth, Julianna,


    • Thank you for the sweet comment Katelyn! Thank you so much for stopping by the blog and I hope you’re having a fabulous weekend!

      xx Julianna

  5. Such a great post!!! Although I did take a couple accounting classes in college, I still struggle with the blogging aspect and what’s deductible and what isn’t… So clothes are technically a “business expense,” yet something tells me they aren’t written off as a business expense haha it’s all so confusing and overwhelming. Definitely need to check out this e-course. Thanks for sharing, doll!

    • Thank you so much Mackenzie! I find accounting SO confusing but this e-course was ultra helpful in breaking everything down and explaining all the crucial information! I hope you’re having the best weekend babe!

      xx Julianna