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Weekly Wrap Up

/May 7, 2015

This week I started a new position at work and have spent most of my time trying to wrap my head around all my new responsibilities! Chuck and I have also spent our nights this week planning an upcoming trip somewhere sunny and tropical! I have not been to a beach in years and am SO excited for the opportunity to travel somewhere beautiful:). Once the plans are finalized I will tell you guys all about it, and I would love to hear suggestions on places to visit!

This week on the blog I posted some feminine looks with tons of color (spring makes me wear so much color!). I am also starting to realize, in the short amount of time I have been blogging, what I like for my body and what I don’t. I try and give a wide range of styles (all of which all fit within my aesthetic!) but am slowly refining and adding to my personal style. I know that this is a lifelong process, but I am having fun trying new looks and tweaking my style. Has anyone else felt like they have gone through this?! I love all the comments that you all have been posting both on my Instagram (@julianna_claire) or here on the blog! I have visited some GORGEOUS blogs this week and absolutely love finding new blogger babes to follow:)

I hope you all have a great weekend and thank you so much for reading!

xx Julianna

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