Lifestyle /

MAJOR Blogging Tips from Top Bloggers

/February 20, 2017

Hello, Gorgeous! I am so excited about today’s post because top bloggers Jenna from Visions of Vogue, Holly from Make Today A HollyDay, Ruthie from Ruthie Ridley Blog, and Ashely from DTK Austin are giving their top blogging tips for you ladies. I am celebrating my two year blogiversary tomorrow and to celebrate I wanted to get together some of my favorite blogger babes together to share their top blogging tips.

I’ve learned so much from my blogger besties over these past two years and there is nothing more powerful than women supporting and lifting each other up in their goals. I respect and adore each of these ladies. Their blogs are stunning and so are each of their personal styles.

I got this idea from Ruthie, who is featured in this post. I learned so much from her blog post and thought this was such an amazing idea! You can read her full post by clicking here!

If you want to know what these blogger babes top blogging tip is then keep reading!


blogging tips, blush and came

Be inspiring and unique. Ask yourself this – Out of the thousands of bloggers out there, how are YOU going to set yourself apart so to make someone want to continuously visit your content more than everyone else? You will succeed much faster and authentically compared to someone who looks like everyone else and who buys their following and engagement. Also, don’t make money your overall blogging goal because you will quickly realize your content isn’t coming off as unique to you. Readers can tell ads from non-ads so be true to yourself. Blog for you and be happy with what you are creating and putting out.


blogging tips, blush and came

I once had a fellow blogger stop me and say “I love following you but I wish I saw more of your personality come through in your brand!”  At first I took offense to this statement and then I used it as fuel.  What she was saying is that people want to see who you really are.  Not that you need to let it all hang out, but revealing who you genuinely are in doses is not a bad idea! I was hesitant to be fully me in pictures, captions and videos because I wasn’t sure how my readers would react to my personality (I can be obnoxious and out there!! LOL).  If anything being crazy, loud, outlandish, whatever you are, will make people love you more.  Choose authenticity over everything.  This is what separates you from the next person.  Let your personality shine through in your photos, insta-stories, captions and videos.  There is no on like you and the world needs way more individuality and a lot less “copy-cats!”


blogging tips, blush and came

Do what feels right! Don’t worry about what other people are doing.


blogging tips, blush and came

My top tip to blogging is stay true to yourself and your personal style.  In this world today it is so easy to get caught up in all that is going on around us that we can sometimes forget our original motives. I try to take a step back every so often evaluate my motives and goals and make sure that they are in sync! Be yourself, there is no one better!


These are the blogging tips from bloggers I respect and look up to! Don’t forget to stop by the blog tomorrow to celebrate Blush & Camo turning two!!

What did you think of today’s post? I would love to hear from you in the comments below! Don’t forget to follow me along on InstagramPinterest, and Facebook for daily style inspo!

Thank you SO much for stopping by Blush & Camo!

xx Julianna


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