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From 4 Likes to 20,000 Blush Babes Here’s My (honest) Instagram Timeline

/June 22, 2016
My Instagram Timeline: From 189 to 20,000 Blush Babes!

Hello, Gorgeous! With the How To Grow Your Instagram E-Course launched this week (and only available for 6 more days!)  I thought I would share with you my Instagram timeline from 189 followers to over 20,000 Blush Babes and counting!

Why am I sharing this with you ladies?! I’m sharing this info so you know it’s TOTALLY possible to grow your fashion blog community via social media even though there’s tons of fashion bloggers out there! In my E-Course I’m sharing all my tips, tricks, and Instagram strategies to help you grow your social media influence!

CLICK HERE to sign up right now!

Sound good?! Let’s get started!

My Instagram Timeline: From 189 to 20,000 Blush Babes!
My Instagram Timeline: From 189 to 20,000 Blush Babes!

February 22, 2015

My first blog post is published and I know that I have to start using social media as a way to help promote my brand. I figure Instagram is the best resource and try and figure out a picture to post.

I don’t know what to say in the caption, how to captivate an audience with a caption, or how important hashtags are.

I’m pretty sure I only used three or four hashtags and a very brief description about how my blog was launching. I got 22 likes and to me that was the BIG TIME. Typically, a picture of mine wouldn’t even hit the 10 likes mark so this was double my average.

I considered this a great success and was excited about this new journey I had started! At this time I had no idea that there were certain strategies I could implement and simple tips that would expand the Blush Babe community even more.

Oh but I would find out;).

My Instagram Timeline: From 189 to 20,000 Blush Babes!
My Instagram Timeline: From 189 to 20,000 Blush Babes!

March 2015

It’s been about a month of blogging and using Instagram and I haven’t answered any comments that people have left on my pictures, nor have I taken the time to write on any other fashion bloggers handles. I told myself that none of the top fashion bloggers respond to comments and I wanted to emulate those fashion bloggers. They were the top fashion bloggers so obviously they knew what they were doing (right?!).

I learned the hard way that not responding to comments left on my Instagram pictures is not the right answer. Answering comments people leave is a simple, yet AMAZING way to let people know you care and to thank them for taking the time to write such a sweet comment. This doesn’t mean you have to respond to every single comment ever left on your Instagram, because that would be exhausting! But, if you take the time to respond to as many as you can (as time permits) throughout the day people will see you are making the effort!

I also realized that when I left comments on other women’s Instagram’s the more likely they were to leave comments on mine! This is a win win situation!
My Instagram Timeline: From 189 to 20,000 Blush Babes!
September 2015

I finally reach the 1,000 followers mark and could not be more excited. From March to October I really started to study Instagram and what makes some handles successful and what makes others not as successful.

After looking through dozens of Instagram handles I come up an Instagram “business plan” and start implementing this plan into action!

December 2015
Once my Instagram strategies are in place I ensure that I follow them strictly and keep at it. Even on the days when I would loose 15- 30 followers (I had many of those days) and I felt like giving up I kept using all my strategies believing that what I come up with would work. Around late November into December that’s when I really started to notice the Blush Babe community grow at a faster rate and I could not be more excited!
The more Blush Babes the better:)!
My Instagram Timeline: From 189 to 20,000 Blush Babes!

February 2016

The first week of February I reached the 10,000 followers mark and I was in disbelief! I could not believe that the Blush Babe community had grown SO much in such a short period of time.

From Instagram I was able to collaborate with brands like Coach and Dove!

After I reached the 10,000 followers mark I started growing (on average) 100 people a day or more! I never changed the strategies that I implemented in October and continued with my business plan!

My Instagram Timeline: From 189 to 20,000 Blush Babes!

May 2016 

In just three short months my Blush Babe community DOUBLED on Instagram going from 10,000 to 20,000 followers! I was so excited and knew that I had a proven business model to help grow other fashion bloggers Instagrams!

I decided as a way to celebrate this milestone on Instagram I would create an E-Course laying out exactly what I did to grow my Instagram so fast with SO many other fashion bloggers out there and it’s finally here!

I am beyond excited to share with you ladies an Instagram E-Course created by a fashion blogger FOR fashion/lifestyle bloggers! I strongly believe in helping other women achieve their goals and I am so passionate about building this Blush Babe community into a group of women who also love helping others achieve their goals!

I would love to hear what you are personally struggling with on Instagram, or any questions you have about the course! I always answer my emails and would love to hear from you ladies! My email is [email protected].
What To Expect From the E-Course
This e-course includes 8 main sections with TONS of useful information inside each one! These sections will cover all the bases to growing your Instagram like a #boss to include:
  • How to pick an Instagram theme that ties in perfectly with your fashion blog (and the brand you are building around it!)
  • Explaining what a posting goal is AND how to create one for you!
  • Pages of tips on how to make sure you have fresh content every single week to share on Instagram.
  • The BEST cameras to use to post amazing quality pictures (that are within a reasonable budget)! 
  • How to track your Instagram analytics and why this is so important.
  • The top 5 things you need to do everyday to grow your Instagram community.
There are 10 pages worth of worksheets, videos, and helpful printouts for your and I guarantee once you complete my e-course you will see an increase in followers!
CLICK HERE to sign up for the course!

Are you ready to grow YOUR Instagram?! Let’s do this, ladies!

xx Julianna

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