
Three Tips To Create A Cozy, Chic Spring Outfit

blush and camo. red valentino, spring style, chanel flats, boater hat francesca's, style tips

blush and camo. red valentino, spring style, chanel flats, boater hat francesca's, style tips

Hello, Gorgeous! Today on Blush & Camo I’m sharing 4 elements you need to know about to create a fun, feminine look- because this type of outfit is totally weekend chic status (and ridiculously comfortable)! And who doesn’t want that?!

Let’s get styling!


The first step to creating this look is to choose a comfy dress! The reason you want to do complete this first step is because choosing a dress is our “feminine” piece. I recommend choosing a dress that is at knee length or above since this length is ideal for creating a more casual vibe to your overall look!

I chose this dress from Red Valentino because of the vibrant red hue, it’s covered in ruffles (which is seriously trending for spring!), and the cozy material!

BONUS STYLE TIP: This step is not necessary, but a bonus if you can add it! Look in your closet to see if you have a casual dress with a print on it! Prints are a simple way to add a playful tone to your look and this post is all about creating a chic, feminine outfit for spring!

blush and camo. red valentino, spring style, chanel flats, boater hat francesca's, style tips

blush and camo. red valentino, spring style, chanel flats, boater hat francesca's, style tips


The next step is to choose a color you want to over exaggerate or really emphasize! The reason you want to do this is because adding a pop of color is playful, fun, and even a little whimsical (especially in pastels)! Ways to emphasize a color include (but are not limited to!)

  • Lip Color
  • Shoes
  • Handbag
  • Nail Polish color
  • Hair Accessories
  • Bauble Necklace
  • Tights/socks

This is just the list I created based off of my own personal style and may match what you would also add, but depending on your own personal style and how you accessorize your outfits this list may be different!

I decided to add a huge pop of red with this look with my dress and used my accessories to tone down the red a little bit. How you add your pop of color is entirely based on your personal style!

BONUS STYLE TIP: You don’t want to OVER pop a color when using this style tip. A great rule of thumb is to opt for three subtle color pops (such as a hair accessory, lip color, and nail polish) or add one large pop of color such as choosing a clothing item to feature your hue!

blush and camo. red valentino, spring style, chanel flats, boater hat francesca's, style tips

blush and camo. red valentino, spring style, chanel flats, boater hat francesca's, style tips


This last and final step is so important to completing your overall fun, feminine look! Shoes can make or break an outfit and this step is all about adding the right pair of shoes!

Since this look is supposed to be chic and coy I recommend going with a more casual shoe such as a flat or slide on- which are one of the most popular trends this spring!

These types of shoes are ultra chic when paired with this look, but add an that necessary element of comfy to your outfit!

What do you think of these style tips?! I wold love to hear from you in the comments below. Don’t forget to follow me along on InstagramPinterest, and Facebook for daily style inspo!

Thank you so much for stopping by Blush & Camo!

xx Julianna




Handbag- sold out, similar one from Francesca’s here

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