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Life Update: The Army is Moving Me to….

/March 7, 2017

blush and camo, spring style, plum pretty sugar, ripped denim, shop maude, blonde hair, beach waves, dsw pink shoes, kate spade handbag

blush and camo, spring style, plum pretty sugar, ripped denim, shop maude, blonde hair, beach waves, dsw pink shoes, kate spade handbag

Hello, Gorgeous! Today I wanted to take time to talk about some big life changes that are going to happen starting this week to keep you ladies up to date on my life that happens outside of the blog!

Life in the Army moves pretty quick and I found about about a month ago I am getting stationed at Fort Campbell, KY to be apart of the 101st Airborne Division. I graduate from the Captain’s Career Course this Friday, and make the move to the Nashville area the same day (like I said, the Army doesn’t waste any time!). I am both nervous and excited for my new job and am ready to get to work.

blush and camo, spring style, plum pretty sugar, ripped denim, shop maude, blonde hair, beach waves, dsw pink shoes, kate spade handbag

blush and camo, spring style, plum pretty sugar, ripped denim, shop maude, blonde hair, beach waves, dsw pink shoes, kate spade handbag

The 101st is one of the most (and some would argue the most) prestigious units in the Army. If you are interested in learning about the 101st I’ve linked an article about them here which explains the history of the unit! I learned I am going to be the Human Resources officer for an infantry battalion which is going to be a unique challenge, but I am really looking forward to it.

The Army continues to push me out of my comfort zone which each new assignment I get. I love getting the opportunity to push myself and grow, but there are definitely days when you think to yourself “can I push myself further?” or “am I capable of taking on this new challenge?”. Joining an infantry unit is going to be an all new experience for me, and I look forward to the challenge, and the hard work, that comes with joining such a distinguished team.

I’ve been working out like crazy running, lifting, and doing HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts to ensure I’m in the best shape of my life of my life before I arrive at Fort Campbell.

blush and camo, spring style, plum pretty sugar, ripped denim, shop maude, blonde hair, beach waves, dsw pink shoes, kate spade handbag

blush and camo, spring style, plum pretty sugar, ripped denim, shop maude, blonde hair, beach waves, dsw pink shoes, kate spade handbag

This is my second huge move in just six months, but the bright side is I’m going to be stationed at Fort Campbell for a few years so this should be my last big move for awhile. I also found out this past week that Chuck will also be stationed at Fort Campbell and we will be in the same brigade which means we will be on the same training cycle and will be able to see each other so much more and living together again after nine months of long distance. Over half of our relationship has been long distance and we accept that, but we (obviously!) prefer to live together!

The movers come this week and it’s going to be so crazy getting every ready for the move, but there is never a dull moment in the Army!

I don’t normally talk about Army things on the blog because I never want anyone to think that I’m using the Army in some way to “get ahead” in blogging or using this someway to my advantage.  I was talking to some of my blogger babes and some of them had no idea I was in the Army because I literally never mention it!

If you ladies have any questions about life the Army, or what I do in the Army, I am more than happy to talk about them and let me know in the comments below!

Thank you so much for stopping by Blush & Camo and I’m sending you so much love!

xx Julianna


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  1. I think it’s so amazing that’s your in the army I want to be in the army and you have been such an idle for me. I was just wondering more about what you do?

  2. Hi there! I stumbled across your blog through IG’s discover feature. Your military career is interesting considering you also have a fashion blog! I’ve heard of the 101st . . . if only because my husband and I are big Band of Brothers fans. 😀

    • Yes! That’s how most people hear of the 101st:). Happy Tuesday babe and thanks for stopping by!

      xx Julianna

  3. My husband is stationed at Ft. Campbell as well! We’ve been here for a little over a year and really enjoy the area. You are coming to a great post!

  4. I love hearing about your military career. I admire you so much, and am so grateful to people like you that serve our country!