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Instagram E-Course Customer Review: Annie From The Lovely Girl

/June 21, 2016

Instagram E-Course Customer Review: Annie From The Lovely Girl

Hey, Gorgeous! My Instagram E-Course just launched yesterday (there are only 7 more days available to sign up!) and in today’s post a Blush Babe is reviewing the entire E-Course and giving her honest opinion about it. Keep reading to find out what Annie has to say about the Instagram E-Course (hint: she loved it!!) and CLICK HERE to sign up right now!
Instagram E-Course Customer Review: Annie From The Lovely Girl

Before we dive into the review of the Instagram E-Course, tell us a little about you and your blog!  

Hi Blush Babes! I’m Annie, the creator of The Lovely Girl and the CEO of Style Collective. Yes, you read that correctly, I have a blog and a business all because of an amazing platform called Instagram.

The Lovely Girl is a space for women to share fashion, hair, beauty, fitness and motivational articles to inspire today’s multifaceted millennial woman. Did you know that Julianna is part of Team Lovley and she writes fashion tips once a month for Lovely Girls? Check out her posts herehere, and here.

What is your biggest Instagram “issue”?

When I first started my Instagram in October of 2014, I had no idea what I was doing. It took me 7 months just to get to 500 followers. It wasn’t until I started networking and supporting other women in the industry that I started to see so much growth. I went from 500 followers to 10K followers in just 10 months time. Style Collective has been contributed SO much to my growth on Instagram because we all support each other though SO many different ways.

Why did you decide to sign up for the How To Grow your Instagram E-Course?

I signed up because Julianna is one of my good friends who I have met through a shared passion of blogging! She guest posts on The Lovely Girl once a month, she’s a member of Style Collective and we text each other all the time! I wanted to support my friend by purchasing her Instagram Course because I know how hard working, dedicated and amazing she is. I knew that I could trust Julianna and the content that she put in this course. She gives all of us AMAZING posts on Blush & Camo 5 days a week, so I knew her course would be just as amazing.

What was your biggest “A-HA” moment when taking the course? 

I loved the strategies about working with brands (also Julianna’s favorite part!) because that really is the FUN part of influencer marketing! You get to be creative while showing your followers awesome new products. I loved her strategies outlining exactly HOW to get these partnerships! Her tips are SO actionable and you don’t need thousands of followers to get started.

Did you feel like the strategies laid out in this course are easy enough to use everyday?! 

I definitely think that they are easy enough to implement. I make it a goal to post to TLG’s Instagram once a day (sometimes twice) and I make sure that my photos fit the theme of The Lovely Girl. I’m also really conscious of variety within my feed: I like to mix up flat lays, detail shots, up close shots and far away shots. I post blog posts twice a week, so I don’t have as many photos of just me on my feed, but that’s okay! That’s my thing and my followers know that and expect that.

You don’t need to do exactly what Julianna or anyone else is doing, you just need to do what works for YOU and stay consistent. We do the same thing for Style Collective’s Instagram feed too: photos 3 times a day showcasing our members, style inspo and branded photos explaining all that SC has to offer.

Have these strategies helped you grow your community of followers on Instagram? 

Yes! I pretty much use these exact tactics to grow my Instagram for The Lovely Girl and to grow Style Collective’s Instagram/membership. I don’t use paid advertising to grow Style Collective, I just go on as often as possible to comment, like and engage with other style #girlbosses! Instagram has been amazing for finding my tribe while allowing me to do what I love full time. Julianna explains EXACTLY how to do it in this course.
Would you recommend this course to other women who are looking to grow their blogs?!  

Yes, I 1000% would! I had to figure all of this out the hard way and I wish that this e-course existed when I first started. It would have saved me SO MUCH time and I wouldn’t have spent the first 7 months of my blogging career.
Who do you think this course is for? 

I think this course is for all levels of Instagram users. It’s an amazing road map for starting out but it’s also a great reminder for experienced bloggers to keep going and make you feel like – YEAH, I got this! After taking this course, you feel energized and excited to keep going!

Are you ready to learn all the strategies needed to grow your Instagram and build your fashion brand? I thought so! CLICK HERE to sign up right now (you only have 7 days left!). Let’s do this together, ladies:)!

I can’t wait to watch your Instagram’s grow!

xx Julianna

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